What County?


What county sends me this surprise,

That had more rainbows in its skies-

More songsters in its woods and fields,

Than any other county yields?

For, judging her by her fresh look,

She never lived in grime and smoke.

So here we are, the thrush and I-

How we enjoy our ecstasy!

While one blue egg employs his tongue,

For two blue eyes I sing my song.

Yet when I think how my love’s eyes

Shine with a soul so clear and wise,

Your egg, poor bird, I fear to tell,

May have no baby in its shell.

Yon cuckoo too, whose voice doth fail

When more than one sing in one vale,

Hear how her voice doth fail

When more than one sing in one vale,

Hear how her voice becomes more sweet

Among a number, when they meet.

And yon pale star that loses light

When other stars appear in sight,

See how her light is magnified,

With other women at her side.